You like Boakelak. And you like Tau Yi Baku. If so, it makes sense to combine them.
Now that you can now purchase prepared BK pastes from markets such as Tekka, Geylang, and even elsewhere, it makes sense to use it more frequently and find other ways to enjoy it. Masu. Here are some notes on the various recipes I’ve worked on using BK paste.
I’m familiar with Sous Vide so I think this recipe is very easy. And it’s very tasty and firm, but “melt in the mouth” pork belly comes in a great sauce. Even if you’re not running SV, I’ll stick to it as I’ll share some instructions on non-SV methods as well.
1 kg of pork belly (skin skin)
For the sauce:
10 “Pieces” Buah Keluak Paste (see photo below)
10 garlic (peeled)
2 tsp white or black peppercorns
Taste at least 2 tablespoons of Gra Melaka or Gra Java
Taste 3 tablespoons of soy sauce
Taste more than 2 tablespoons of tamarind sauce
2 cups of water
3 dried red chili peppers
2 tablespoons of oil
Sous Vide Method:
I usually use frozen pork belly, which is one third of the price of “fresh” pork belly. I used both and TBH, I can’t tell the difference. I buy them in blocks and it’s easy for me to vacuum (I have a chamber sealer at home) and 72C SV at 72c to clean for 7 hours. There are some saltings as you add 1 teaspoon of salt. I usually sv pork overnight. After this, chill the bag in the fridge.
To prepare the sauce, mix the ingredients (Inc water) into a good blender until very smooth. If you have Thermomix, this is very easy. Heat the oil in a wok or pan and pour in the sauce. At this point, adjust the sweet, tasty, sour, sour. It is best to melt Gula Melaka or Jawa first. You certainly don’t want to make this dish sickly. Simmer for about 20 minutes. If it’s too dry, add some water.
Slice the pork into pieces. Up and down, the skin width should be about 1.5 cm. One of the advantages of previous SV cooked pork is that it maintains its shape when cooking further. Add to the sauce pan and cook very quietly for about 20-25 minutes. Depending on the fire and shape of the pot, you may need to add water. Avoid drying or burning the bottom.
Non-SV methods:
Slice the pork as above, but cook it a little larger (2 cm) as the pork shrinks (2 cm). Some people bake it easily to help shape it later, but if the dish is gentle and carefully mixed, it can keep its shape without any additional steps.
Buah Keluak Paste. They are shaped like seeds.
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